12 August 2004

The Dog Days

While the political campaign is heating up, there's little else of great import happening this month, save a few winery open houses on Aug. 21-22. The political thing is getting interesting, however. I heard on the radio this morning that Kerry has opened up a 6-point lead in Florida. Today both candidates are appearing in California, which ought to be interesting. Not sure why Bush is bothering with a state he will lose decidedly.

The election looks close, but with a decided edge to Kerry right now. The big questions are what kind of boost Bush will get out of his own convention in a few weeks and what trickery he has up his sleeve for the fall, especially if he becomes more and more desperate. Kerry still seems a bit too timid. He needs to hit harder. And when are we going to see all that footage of Bush's numerous gaffes over the past four years in Kerry ads? I assume that the Demos are just holding on to the juicy stuff for the stretch run or holding onto it permanently to see how desperate the Rs become. I'm predicting a ton of mud slinging before this is over.

Then there are the debates. How exciting are they going to be? They are crucial for Kerry, but also tricky. Because Bush is so dumb, he runs the risk of looking like an intellectual elitist. He almost has to act dumb himself to not look like a show off as he runs laps around Bush's brain. Four years ago, Gore came off as mean spirited in the first debate. Kerry just needs to come off as more in touch and in command (of his own brain). Bush will undoubtedly step on his tongue enough times on his own and mangle enough facts that Kerry doesn't have to win. He can let Bush lose.

On to wine. Chehalem is having its summer tasting on Aug. 21-22 at the winery at Rex Hill. The tasting includes a number of local artists and music if you get there at the right time. Of course, the wines are superb. Rex Hill is having its 2002 pinot noir release party on Aug. 22 at the winery. Those who bought futures can pick them up. Last year, they tasted some very nice vineyard designate pinot gris as well. On Saturday, Aug. 21, Sineann is having a barbeque and wine tasting at the winery in Carlton from noon to 4. These guys are making some very interesting wines, especially if you like reds and not just pinot noir. We're going to make the complete tour on Saturday, going to Sineann first and then hitting Chehalem on the way home.

John tried the bottle of 1998 Woolridge I gave him and said it was not good. Hmmm, I opened a bottle of the 2001 Merlot last night and it was fine, though the '98 cab was better. Woolridge still has some of the cab remaining. I should get my blush pinot noir within the next week. This was the wine we found so refreshing and delicious on our tour of SO in July. It's just been so hot down there, they're reluctant to ship it now.

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