23 November 2007

Wembley's turf comes up short

Following Wednesday's near quagmire at Wembley where England were eliminated from Euro 2008 by losing to Croatia, stadium officials are re-examining the turf in the $1.5 billion stadium. They are actually considering a blend of real grass and artificial turf. Apparently this is being used in some other stadiums, including Arsenal's new Emirates Stadium.

The problem is related to the fact that most big modern stadiums in England have roofs which cover most of the seats. Wembley has a retractable roof and it may not allow enough sunlight to promote the kind of healthy grass needed to play football on. The NFL played a game here in October and players also complained of poor footing.

Grass and football go together and tradition would never allow the use of artificial turf even though Russia does use what the Brits refer to as "plastic turf" on their home field in Moscow. The turf reinforcement system is made by Desso Sports Systems, which uses synthetic fibers to reinforced natural grass. The Denver Broncos of the NFL are using the system as are Arsenal, Reading and Tottenham in the English Premiership.

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