05 January 2009

I did get a new phone

The Palm Treo Pro lasted all of two months. I did get a new phone – the Samsung Epix – about a week ago. I was trying to avoid signing a contract with AT&T, but gave up and took the bait in order to get a new phone.

No phone is ever going to be perfect for me, but the Epix is an improvement over the Treo Pro. Mainly, I like the bigger battery and the less crowded keyboard. The quality of the phone itself is also excellent. The optical mouse is interesting and debatable, but I’ve taken a shine to it. It’s kind of like learning to use the touchpad on your notebook for the first time. The screen is excellent, it’s fast enough for me and seems to have no connection/rebooting issues. I’ve not had to do a reset on it yet.

The Samsung Today screen is interesting, but so far I’ve not decided to make that my default,  but keep playing with it. This seems to be a more solid phone than the Treo. It’s a little beyond your standard front facing qwerty keyboard phone, but not in the same zoomy category as the iPhone or the BlackBerry Storm. Bluetooth works awesomely with both cars I pair it with. I was not able to get connected via my Linksys N wireless router, but I think that’s a Linksys problem and I’m not willing to do surgery on my home network just to connect my phone to WiFi when I’d rarely us it anyhow.

Will do a progress report in a couple of months as that’s about the time I’d normally be getting very fed up with any phone.

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