13 July 2004

It's beginning to look a lot like politics

I got a kick out of Rush Limbaugh (I only listen for amusement) this morning. He was trying to calm down his lunatic listeners who are hand wringing over the latest poll numbers, which show Kerry surging ahead. He was also trying to defend his statement that Edwards would provide no bounce. He cited a poll in North Carolina which showed Bush still ahead by 15 points. But, he failed to acknowledge that since Edwards joined the team, Kerry has moved further ahead and leads in most polls.

We also saw Farenheit 9/11 last week. I did not like Bowling for Columbine. I thought it was biased and unfair. I had a different reaction to Farenheit. I thought it was devastating for Bush. Granted there's still a lot of stuff taking out of context and distorted, but the reality is that it's really not distorted because it accurately reflects Bush's behavior as President.

This is going to be a very tight race. My prediction: Kerry takes Florida and wins the election by that margin.

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