20 April 2008

The Kindle

Does anyone have one of these? Being in London, it doesn't make any sense beause the wireless aspect wouldn't work over here and that's the whole benefit right now. But with the number od commutes every day on public transport, it seems like an obviously lucrative market.

If anyone who reads this has one, please drop a comment about how you like it. I have to assume they're selling quite well as they've been out of stock for some time and Amazon only recently got them back in. If I lived in the US, not sure I'd be all that interested. I do be more reading done here because a) I have an hour commute daily (both ways) and b) there is more time to read (TV isn't as good IMO).
Anybody's who into gadgets would have to like the concept. I especially like the idea of getting the newspapers every day. That's very clever.

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