22 December 2007

Tony Blair converts to Catholicism

I saw this news tonight and it's not surprising. I'm somewhat empathetic with the former prime minister. This had been rumoured for some time. I have thought for many years about becoming a Catholic though I've pulled back in recent years as the Catholics have become more associated with the radical right. But, I do appreciate the discipline. The doctrine I don't totally agree with.

Right now, we're attending Holy Trinity Brompton, a C of E church, and thoroughly enjoying it. We love the worship at HTB and the staff, led by Nicky Gumbel, who is a legend in the church of England. But, our vest friends here are Catholics. We took them to a carol service at HTB before Christmas. Maybe I visit their church in Hampstead.

Anyhow, this provides an opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. Yesterday, we attended the Christmas Singalong at the Royal Albert Hall, which is an impressive facility. It was wonderful with great music and really brought Christmas home.

To all our friends, Merry Christmas from London.

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